We strive for a wholeness to our lives that supports our efforts to have a restorative effect on the earth and in our community. Our monotypes are inevitably about natural places we know or wild places we hope to restore. In between printing episodes, we are collecting ideas, experiences and stories we want to convey in our monotypes, and a leaf or image or grains of soil from these wild places to use or inspire us.
One of Nancy's first monotypes happened after she was told about a fragment of a conversation among elected officials about why a lake conservation effort was so difficult: "Fish don't pay taxes".
We use our monotypes to communicate vision and challenges for landscape restoration projects on which we work.
October 2022, Led Monotype Printmaking Workshop at Miller Art Museum. All photographs © Miller Art Museum (thanks, Marie!)
See Nancy’s virtual art exhibit at the Urban Ecology Center - Menomonee Valley branch, Invisible and Visible Mending. (June-August 2020). Exhibit explores fractures and wounds in the landscape, and mending that happens with ecological restoration, both invisibly and visibly.
A selection of field watercolor sketches.
Watch and listen (above) to the beautiful song written and performed by the incomparable pat mAcdonald inspired by Dan’s monotype, Swallowtails. This is part of the Steel Bridge Creative Foundation’s Love on Holiday, a collaborative songwriting retreat filled with musicians and art and songs just written, held along with Dark Songs and Steel Bridge Fest at the Holiday Music Motel in Sturgeon Bay.